Recurving [verb]

Definition of Recurving:

make curved; remove angles

Synonyms of Recurving:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recurving:

Sentence/Example of Recurving:

Filaments free from the sepals and shorter than they, recurving.

If the delta is located in areas A, the recurving ridge is counted.

This is characterized by a long sweeping upstroke, and the recurving downstroke cuts the staff about in half.

Branched and recurving jets were curiously associated with it.

The shoulders of a loop are the points at which the recurving ridge definitely turns inward or curves.

A sufficient recurve may be defined as that part of a recurving ridge between the shoulders of a loop.

A recurving ridge, however, which has an appendage connected with it in the line of flow cannot be construed as a circuit.

An imaginary line drawn between the two deltas must not touch or cross any of the recurving ridges within the inner pattern area.

Although there are three delta formations present, it should be observed that recurving ridges appear in front of only one (D-1).

A recurving ridge enters from the right side and exits in the same direction.