Redaction [noun]

Definition of Redaction:

change; rewriting

Synonyms of Redaction:

Opposite/Antonyms of Redaction:

Sentence/Example of Redaction:

The first redaction is, however, that which won and retained the general favour.

A twelfth property, simplicity, was added in Dumont's redaction.

(b) Another aspect in the redaction may be called theological.

But this redaction is not the close of the textual history of the Koran.

Harts edition, of course, takes a place in his general scheme of redaction.

Both the Sanskrit and the Pli redaction have here the masculine pron.

"If anything is in any redaction of the original, in it should go," he said.

What was not discovered "after Alexander" means what was not discovered or not accepted at this redaction.

The Latin quotations which follow are probably from some redaction or expansion of the same fiction.

The legendary matter, too, has but few traces of Jewish provenance, and is clearly not due to Jewish redaction.