Redemptions [noun]
Definition of Redemptions:
Opposite/Antonyms of Redemptions:
Sentence/Example of Redemptions:
Was there no prophet, no redemption, no mediator for such as these?
But he still had something to do, the final act made possible by his redemption.
She still lived, however, and that was sufficient for the redemption of her sins.
That God will do his part in the redemption of men is set before us in the cross.
If the redemption is to be a moral redemption, the last detail of the method must be moral.
I fought with Goethe for the redemption of a soul sold to the Devil.
Highly intellectual also is his explanation of the necessity of redemption.
This giant labor of men, this obstinacy in living, is their excuse, is redemption.
You are going to try and redeem the rich, or, at least, to show them the way of redemption.
We are not to believe in them in spite of the plan of redemption; but, because of the plan of redemption.