Redesigned [adjective]

Definition of Redesigned:

modernized, restored

Synonyms of Redesigned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Redesigned:

Sentence/Example of Redesigned:

Some jerk has redesigned the primer so that the flame misses the propellant!

Today he still remains as the editor of that magazine's evolved and redesigned successor, Analog.

They were trying everything from redesigned rocket motors to really radical notions.

The pole changer was redesigned after the beginning of the great spread of telephony in the United States in 1893.

Alan elbowed his way through the crowd of curious onlookers and clambered into the redesigned control chamber.

The ammunition cart itself is merely a redesigned machine-gun ammunition vehicle.

As now redesigned and rebuilt, the courthouse presents an outward appearance presumably similar to its original form.

The remedy for this was a redesigned rotating band, making it somewhat thicker in front.

Finally we added improvements to make it more efficient and reliable and redesigned it to meet American factory methods.

Roger and Alfie redesigned the fuse to ensure perfect co-ordination of the explosions.