Redundances [noun]
Definition of Redundances:
Sentence/Example of Redundances:
If you live in a mountain or hill country, your only danger is redundance of subject.
The whole stanza is beautiful, and musical with the music of redundance.
Yet both may be equally Christian, in spite of the redundance or the deficiency.
Respecting Shelley at Eton, there is almost a redundance of evidence.
There seems to be a natural tendency to deal in a redundance of prepositions.
Self-dispersion is the essence of its sovereignty, and is one of the elements of its redundance.
Whatever is Ovid's subject, the redundance of a copious fancy still appears.
At this point I realised for the first time the grave disadvantages of redundance in speech, of unnecessary verbiage.
Leigh Hunt praises Mr. Mathewss valets and old men, but condemns his nervous restlessness and redundance of bodily action.
But more than this, the very faithfulness of the Pre-Raphaelites arises from the redundance of their imaginative power.