Redundancies [noun]

Definition of Redundancies:


Synonyms of Redundancies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Redundancies:




Sentence/Example of Redundancies:

The redundancy of insect and reptile life is wonderful in Southern India.

But why should there have been any redundancy of matter at all?

The redundancy of insect and reptile life is wonderful in southern India.

Again a redundancy of "verys" which must be left to the imagination.

No display of a scene like this could be chargeable with redundancy or superfluity.

He indulged in no vaporous visions, in no redundancy of phrases.

We in Ireland are much inclined to redundancy in our speech.

This tendency of redundancy is not his fault alone; it is that of his time.

If this be done, the redundancy will soon be as great as ever.

The only fault seems to have been a redundancy of decoration.