Reduplications [noun]

Definition of Reduplications:


Opposite/Antonyms of Reduplications:

Sentence/Example of Reduplications:

C4-6 are a reduplication, not unnatural indeed, but pro tanto tautological.

One (St. Martha's) is passed on both sides by a reduplication of the track.

Moreover, the second snake appears to be due to reduplication.

Yet he has employed this reduplication of a predominant word at ver.

The difference lies, not in its reduplication, but in its distribution.

Of these the fifth and sixth superadd to the reduplication a change of the vowel.

There is a large collection of reasons for this reduplication of monotonous sounds.

E may be said to form a diphthong by reduplication, as agree, sleeping.

The hook should then be withdrawn, and each knot should be drawn more firmly down prior to its reduplication.

And this reduplication of the grievous mistake he had made on the field of Ligny was absolutely fatal.