Reelected [adjective]
Definition of Reelected:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reelected:
Sentence/Example of Reelected:
But they soon found their surroundings uncongenial or failed to be reelected.
They had been reelected, as usual, at the recent town-meeting.
Salomon was reelected in 1886 but was deposed and exiled in 1888.
They served for a term of one year and could never be reelected.
He was reelected to a second term and at its close he made a tour of the world, with his wife.
But the rupture was not healed, and the Democrats reelected Woodrow Wilson.
They escaped punishment, but only one of them was reelected to office.
Was defeated for the legislature in 1837, but in 1839 was reelected.
In August, 1866, was renominated for Congress by acclamation, and was reelected.
In 1837 he lost his election for Bath, but was reelected in 1841.