Refinements [noun]
Definition of Refinements:
Opposite/Antonyms of Refinements:
Sentence/Example of Refinements:
For a woman of her refinement, she had the strangest proclivity for low company!
I am sick of Mrs General's good breeding and refinement, papa,' said Fanny. '
I desire to imitate the committee in their refinement and delicacy of distinction.
Mrs. Rice is a lady of refinement, exemplary, and much beloved and respected.
The refinement and the multiplicity of pleasures also diminish the attractions of marriage.
He was the thorough gentleman, a character by no means so readily to be met with in these days of refinement as one would imagine.
I fear, sister, I have not refinement sufficient to enjoy it.
And besides, refinement and charm were not so common by any means, nowadays.
But it must be remembered that poor Thady had no refinement; how should he?
They are so very commonplace; no air of refinement about them.