Refitting [noun]
Definition of Refitting:
Opposite/Antonyms of Refitting:
Sentence/Example of Refitting:
August 23: Ordered the Sisyphus to Southampton for refitting.
We were, however, detained for several days refitting and provisioning the ship.
Here we lay for several days, repairing damages and refitting the ship.
For several days after that I was employed in refitting my ship for sea.
Now they were back once again in Blangy, refitting and drawing the new Mk.
Some assisted the chamberlain in refitting the deserted dormitory.
Captain Rogers remained here a fortnight, refitting his ship.
To Cuba we will go, and there we will busy ourselves with refitting.
Overhauling ship at the dockyard and refitting, etc. until September 7th.
We got a week's refitting leave, and I've just been seeing him through it.