Reformations [noun]
Definition of Reformations:
the act of reforming
Sentence/Example of Reformations:
No one has met with more abuse than Becket, ever since the Reformation.
What is it, he asks, that he has promised, but reformation by my example?
Many of them were destroyed at the Reformation, together with the stone altars.
After the Reformation the tax was collected, but given to the bishop.
"In the way of reformation though, I hope, I shall all my life," said Harry.
It was revived, more or less exactly, after the Reformation, among the Socinians.
She used formerly, while there were any hopes of my reformation, to pray for me.
Who has declared that she will not marry me, till she has hopes of my reformation?
If his pretences to reformation are but pretences, what must be his intent?
If every one would see To his own reformation, How very easily You might reform a nation.