Reg [noun]

Definition of Reg:

rules of a government, society

Opposite/Antonyms of Reg:

Sentence/Example of Reg:

Oh, I was an Indian in my time—a reg'ler measly hop-pickin' Siwash at that.

He wound it every Sunday night, reg'lar as the day come round.

Take a sip of water, Mike, like a reg'lar one, and cut loose.

Dan himself'll vote for Gabe; so'll Gaius and his reg'lar tribe.

A reg'lar grandmother's great-grandfather just out of the year one.

An' so it continyoos, a reg'lar see-saw between Steve an' the bull.

A lack of reg'larity about 'em would shake our standin' as a camp.'

He's a reg'lar little ripper, sir, and as straight as a lath.

"Why this was written the evening before he sailed," cried Reg.

"You are quite an up-to-date detective, sir," said Reg, frankly.