Regalia [noun]
Definition of Regalia:
Opposite/Antonyms of Regalia:
Sentence/Example of Regalia:
This morning both he and the Keith girl were arrayed in the gayest of summer regalia.
He married the maiden, and with her got a jewel or talisman which is preserved with the regalia.
It looks beautiful bejeweled; on the end of a sword; or worked into regalia.
Just you get me the regalia in Britstown—a pink flag and red lantern.
Then he had the regalia he had worn in his last audiovisual to Angus dusted off.
"You'll find this a fairly good one," said I, holding out a real Havana regalia.
Sipiagin offered Nejdanov a regalia, but the latter refused.
Its regalia is dressing-gowns or kimonos with bedroom slippers.
You always keep a full set of regalia here at the club, I know.
I could find such only in the regalia of Eastern or European monarchs.