Regaling [verb]

Definition of Regaling:

throw a party; have fun

Synonyms of Regaling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Regaling:

Sentence/Example of Regaling:

The world will nestle in regaling plenty and great assurance.

They had been playing all night and regaling themselves with wine.

“It is quite possible that the respectable gentleman may try it,” said the commandant, regaling himself with a pinch.

While we were regaling ourselves round a large fire, some wild beast gave a roar in the bushes.

But the Baron had bent down his face, and was regaling himself upon an olive.

In June the black-billed makes a tour through the orchard and garden, regaling himself upon the canker-worms.

My cat has eat two or three birds, while regaling on the crumbs that were thrown for them.

The sweet odors which they exhaled (for they were all aromatic) highly delighted us, and we were rejoiced in regaling our senses.

The sexton was regaling the children on the wall with the ever-popular details of his notorious malady.

During the war in the Peninsula, two British soldiers were regaling themselves after a long fast, on a crust of mouldy bread.