Regardlessly [adverb]

Definition of Regardlessly:


Synonyms of Regardlessly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Regardlessly:

Sentence/Example of Regardlessly:

Then she tore the hat from her head and cast it regardlessly upon the counter.

She only smiles, pricks him with the spur, and regardlessly cuts him with her cuarto.

He had ridden over her objection as regardlessly as if she had never made any.

You know how regardlessly outspoken Elsie is, and how thoroughly saturated with her music.

Everything—family, business, possessions—must be regardlessly sacrificed to the one aim of war.

So society no longer rolled its Juggernaut over him regardlessly, as of yore.

Should so great a matter as our everlasting joy or misery be cast out of our care, and ventured so regardlessly in the dark?