Regurgitates [verb]

Definition of Regurgitates:


Synonyms of Regurgitates:

Opposite/Antonyms of Regurgitates:

Sentence/Example of Regurgitates:

I wished to regurgitate, to cast off this cold, frightening sensation.

The lacrymal sack can regurgitate its contents into the eye.

As they approached this capital, Renaldo's grief seemed to regurgitate with redoubled violence.

And that Emerson and Horace Greeley were alike in their capacity to absorb, digest and regurgitate, is everywhere acknowledged.

We swallow and regurgitate over and over again our dissatisfaction, and are aptly said to chew the cud of bitterness.

A healthy, breast-fed baby may now and then regurgitate a bit, but it simply spills over because it is too full.

The valves of the absorbent vessels may suffer their fluids to regurgitate in some diseases.