Reiteration [noun]
Definition of Reiteration:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reiteration:
Sentence/Example of Reiteration:
Take my word for it, the secret of success with "the collective wisdom" is reiteration.
She spoke with impassioned energy, as if fortifying her refusal by the reiteration of it.
But my convictions are so pronounced that I cannot forbear the reiteration.
To a keen amateur seaman this reiteration is never wearisome.
So universally true is this that to repeat it seems the reiteration of a truism.
But everyone is wearied to death of the monotony and reiteration.
Note the reiteration of this expression, and cf. what is said on Bk.
He seemed to find the perfection of luxury in the reiteration of those words.
The shouts sounded like English, there was a reiteration of "Wake!"
The one from his brother was merely a reiteration of what he had said before.