Rejections [noun]
Definition of Rejections:
denial, refusal
Opposite/Antonyms of Rejections:
Sentence/Example of Rejections:
Mr. Disraeli, in the Commons, moved the rejection of the bill.
Dreading a rejection, I solicited the interest of the merry damsel.
Mammy was very nearly indignant in her rejection of the proposition.
On a divan the motion for rejection was carried by 178 to 136.
What do you suppose must have been my feelings, after this rejection, at the thought of my own dishonour?
"I did," she answered him, and flushed as she remembered her yesterday's rejection.
Nevertheless, his rejection for the Infantry was a grievous disappointment to him.
I have but to say, that if they be all I fear them, you will be too true a friend to peril me by a rejection.
What bright boon of Fortune is Trafford meditating the rejection of?
But Elizabeth was prompt, decided, and firm in the rejection of this plan.