Rejoined [verb]
Definition of Rejoined:
answer back
Sentence/Example of Rejoined:
All this I saw in the swift gallop down the hill to rejoin the Brigadier.
Had you not better go now, Monsieur, and rejoin your friend?
He promised to obey me, and I rode on to rejoin my companions, a little easier in my mind.
A year later he relinquished his command, without having been able to rejoin.
He, on the other hand, seemed to dread going to rejoin the comrades.
She therefore hurried to rejoin Prosper, who had gone on to the farmhouse with the cart.
He was free to rejoin Albine, since it was she who triumphed.
And she went to rejoin the servant, who was watching in the study.
And to that I rejoin:—O my father, did you not wish me to live as happily as possible?
But we may rejoin with Plato that the abuse of a good thing does not take away the use of it.