Rekindling [verb]
Definition of Rekindling:
light again
Sentence/Example of Rekindling:
Perhaps not, said the voice, but if her love should wane how would you rekindle it?
Through me, through me flow the streams of grace to recreate and rekindle.
When they were stronger, he helped them to rekindle the fire.
Then, to rise again it would only be necessary to rekindle the fire.
A day or two after this however came news of which the effect was to rekindle it.
Arriving at the tent the boys proceeded to rekindle the fire.
"I have forgotten his name," she said, and looked as if nothing could rekindle her memory.
The mad fancies of the night before had died and memory could not rekindle them.
This name was enough to rekindle the imagination of the Admiral.
If the lights of the world were dimmed, who should rekindle their flame?