Relaxations [noun]

Definition of Relaxations:

entertainment; resting or recovering

Synonyms of Relaxations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Relaxations:

Sentence/Example of Relaxations:

It was simply as to the amount of relaxation the country could bear in the duties.

There was no least relaxation in the stubborn lines of his face.

With his whole soul, he marvelled at her softness and relaxation.

As a relaxation from business, he visited some friends in the West.

But the non-arrival of the foe caused a relaxation of vigilance.

Tea should never be drunk hot at any time, as it tends still more to produce that relaxation which ought to be carefully avoided.

He pursued him in every place, without giving him the least moment of relaxation.

The ladies on their side had not the relaxation of these expeditions.

Then, abruptly, came a relaxation of his muscles, the giving way of his will.

We are snowed in and you would not have the relaxation that you need after your long weeks of study.