Relaxing [verb]

Definition of Relaxing:

be or feel at ease

Opposite/Antonyms of Relaxing:

Sentence/Example of Relaxing:

He was tired and he'd looked forward to relaxing a while before the show.

There was a dry tightness in his throat and he concentrated on relaxing his tension.

Lingard, relaxing the tenseness of his stare, looked at the young man, thoughtfully.

In our particular department the relaxing of authority was specially apparent.

Was it possible that it was relaxing its grasp, releasing its prey?

Torlos seemed to be relaxing in the soft, warm sunlight of his native world.

"That's all it said—what I told you," replied Grace, relaxing wearily.

It showed that the strain and tension were relaxing to some extent.

He said that last with relief, and moved a little, as if relaxing.

Basom, who had been relaxing on his bed, leaped to his feet.