Relegates [verb]
Definition of Relegates:
assign, transfer
Synonyms of Relegates:
● Consign
● Entrust
● Refer
● Confide
● Commend
● Credit
● Charge
● Delegate
● Commit
● Accredit
● Pass on
Sentence/Example of Relegates:
He relegates all mention of elastic bank-credit to "transitions."
A rationalism which relegates implication to the indefinables cannot present the process of modern science.
So John relegates me to the post of ferryman to the dead already, does he!
To minimise this distress he relegates God to special days, to special hours, to services and ceremonials.
Yet it is to this society that Mrs. Sidgwick relegates the most meritorious and conscientious class of apparitions.
No system of economics that relegates fatherhood to unimportance is good for the State.
No wonder, then, that he relegates religion to the region of sentiment, and declares that it has nothing to do with knowledge.
It elevates the mind to the first place and relegates blood and flesh to the last.
Every measure which departs therefrom, which relegates it to the middle ground is deceitful, chimerical, fatal.
Saccardo retains all the species in his Sylloge, but relegates them to an inferior position as imperfect fungi.