Religiosities [noun]

Definition of Religiosities:


Opposite/Antonyms of Religiosities:

Sentence/Example of Religiosities:

They satisfied the taste of the people for religiosity, if not religion.

Your morality—or rather I should say your religiosity—is beyond me, Baltic.'

With religiosity, if it was centred on self, she had no sympathy.

It is open to invasion by strange and uncouth forms of religiosity.

The Greek, in a word, had only his philosophies to offer to the religiosity of the East.

Alexander had been quick to perceive the religiosity of the new world into which he had come.

The religiosity of the Churches appealed to him as little as ever it did.

It is possible that an epidemic of Asiatic religiosity may be one of the sequels of the War.

A fescennine temperament is too often allied with religiosity.

As a people they are distinguished from all other nations by their religiosity.