Reloading [verb]

Definition of Reloading:

fill, stock

Synonyms of Reloading:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reloading:

Sentence/Example of Reloading:

Williams began to reload his gun, but Dic interrupted the proceeding.

Wilson had emptied his revolver and found no time in which to reload.

There's likely a supply right here and he can reload in a few minutes.

However, let us reload just as quickly as we can and be ready for them.

"I hope so," was Jack's answer as he stopped to reload his weapon.

My discharged pistol was in my hand, but I had no time to reload.

It was fortunate that the pause was long enough to enable them to reload.

I reload rapidly, and on reaching the gorse 'put in' the dogs.

I had no chance to reload, and there was barely time to flee.

“Terence, give me your rifle, and reload mine,” he exclaimed.