Remonstrating [verb]

Definition of Remonstrating:

argue against

Synonyms of Remonstrating:

Opposite/Antonyms of Remonstrating:

Sentence/Example of Remonstrating:

But he did not retrace his steps in order to remonstrate with her severely in the street.

"It is of no use to say that," Jenkins ventured meekly to remonstrate.

Poor Jenkins watched her with despairing eyes, not venturing to remonstrate.

It was in vain for the politic father to remonstrate with the headstrong son.

From time to time, however, they went back to knock at Martine's door to remonstrate with her.

I could see what had happened—my family had sent him to reprove me and remonstrate with me.

A good Manxman wrote to remonstrate with me for calling the book a "romance."

At first I sought to remonstrate with Giacopo; but he was deaf to the wisdom that I spoke.

In vain did I remonstrate with him that already he had drunk overmuch.

He went to remonstrate with Rosamund upon her betrothal, and he did so at the request of her brother.