Rended [verb]
Definition of Rended:
Sentence/Example of Rended:
They are the great problem of mankind; they rend the heart with pity.
They rend the heart with pity all the more for the reason that there is no sense in their poverty.
There's that in his heart which can tear and rend; and there's that which can build.
Then would the voice especially claim us for its prey, and rend us all to pieces.
The world is quick to turn and rend with ridicule a false prophet.
Unable to rend the tough fabric, it resorted to another method.
I would talk of what was troubling me, and not try to rend my heart in pieces.
They bear our name; how could he understand the divisions that rend us asunder?
There is nothing we cherish and strive to draw to us but in some hour we turn and rend it.
I should not at all mind (he answered), if I were not afraid he might turn again and rend his keeper.