Rentals [noun]
Definition of Rentals:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rentals:
Sentence/Example of Rentals:
Let the terms of rental of these lines be about 3-1/4 per cent.
Batteries made in this way are good for rental batteries, or "loaners."
Rental batteries may also be bought from the battery manufacturers.
Each time the rental is put on a car, a record is made of this fact on the card.
A rental charge of 25 cents-per day serves as a reminder to most customers.
The customer must have some inducement to bring in your rental battery and get his own.
Give me your vote and I will quietly let you off ten livres of rental.
Because in time you expect this tree to pay you a rental of $8 to $12 a month.
They were held practically in fee-simple at the annual rental of 2s.
If they are impaired or destroyed it does not affect the annual rental.