Reoccupies [verb]
Definition of Reoccupies:
Synonyms of Reoccupies:
● Convert
● Reassume
● Reclaim
● Recover
● Recycle
● Redeem
● Remodel
● Rescue
● Restore
● Retake
● Salvage
Opposite/Antonyms of Reoccupies:
Sentence/Example of Reoccupies:
A force was accordingly sent to drive out the enemy and reoccupy it.
The Romans did not push their advantage, but were satisfied to reoccupy the ground from which they had been driven.
The Pope was still an exile in Benevento,146 and did not dare to reoccupy Rome.
No further efforts were made by the Canadians to reoccupy the position.
And whence would he journey back to reoccupy that body when what we call consciousness returned to him?
If it is possible, reoccupy the Maryland Heights with your entire force.
The birds return during the first week in August, in small and silent companies, to reoccupy favourite resorts in common.
This was shortly before La Harpe attempted to reoccupy the place for the French.
"You won't be able to reoccupy your house for a long time, I fear," said Colburne.
Still the British were unable to disperse the rebels and reoccupy the city.