Reopens [verb]

Definition of Reopens:


Synonyms of Reopens:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reopens:




Sentence/Example of Reopens:

Ranging alongside, he endeavored to reopen the conversation, but to no purpose.

But that is a closed question now; to reopen it were futile.

Rosamund should reopen for him that door which, hard-driven by misfortune, he had slammed.

Having nothing better to do at first, he was urged to reopen the school.

Then about ten o'clock Basil Pyne has to show up and reopen the subject.

My impertinent curiosity might reopen wounds which time had closed.

Upon the instant, Sergius sprang forward to reopen the door.

Or had she herself been unfortunate through any idle word to reopen the wound?

He suggested that the general should reopen it after the prorogation.

They wish to reopen the mine, and are ready to give me my own price.