repartee [noun]

Definition of repartee:

  • A quick, witty reply or conversation.
  • The skill of replying quickly and humorously.

Synonyms of repartee:

Opposite/Antonyms of repartee:

Sentence/Example of repartee:

Her repartee during the debate kept the audience entertained.

He was known for his sharp repartee at social gatherings.

The evening was filled with laughter and repartee among friends.

She enjoyed the repartee that flowed naturally during their conversations.

His repartee made him a favorite guest at dinner parties.

The repartee between the comedians had the crowd roaring with laughter.

Her repartee was so quick that it often left others speechless.

The repartee in the play's dialogue showcased the playwright's wit.

They engaged in light-hearted repartee over their morning coffee.

His repartee was a mix of intelligence and humor.

The repartee between the two characters added a lively dynamic to the story.

Her repartee often masked her deeper emotions.

The repartee at the office made the workday more enjoyable.

Their repartee was filled with playful teasing.

She was known for her repartee, often leaving her friends in stitches.

The repartee between the news anchors added a touch of humor to the broadcast.

His repartee was a highlight of their regular meetings.

She enjoyed the repartee that came with intellectual debates.

The repartee in their texts kept the conversation lively.

His repartee was a testament to his quick thinking and humor.