Replying [noun]
Definition of Replying:
Synonyms of Replying:
● Reaction
● Feedback
● Retort
● Response
● Respond
● Return
● Sass
● Counter
● Echo
● Lip
● Comeback
● Riposte
● Antiphon
● Vibes
Sentence/Example of Replying:
If it were not so, his hand would have written in reply to thy kind epistle.
"Certainly, Robert," was the reply, but the lawyer's manner showed some surprise.
"You'll find I'm right, sir," was the reply of the traveller who spoke first.
Silence was painful to me, and reply only accumulated difficulty and vexation.
This question was addressed to the lady, who drew back, and made no reply.
"Not till I heard the minister's kind voice," was the reply.
"I am making the greatest minister England ever saw," was the reply.
In his reply he placed, point by point, the answers in the scales along with his own accusations.
In reply he offers me, as if I were a beggar, employment for my sons.
In reply to the oft-repeated question, "What took you to Egypt?"