Reposed [verb]

Definition of Reposed:

relax; recline

Synonyms of Reposed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reposed:

Sentence/Example of Reposed:

Mr Verloc reposed characteristically, clad in his outdoor garments.

I reposed on the laurels which I had gathered myself, and I slept better.

It was too puny a contest for him, and he reposed upon the consciousness of his own integrity.

I could have reposed there for a month, or a year, or for ever.

Trust is reposed in them, which may be greater or less, as they are able to bear.

In the balcony La Signorina reposed in a steamer chair, gazing seaward.

In pursuance of the great power and trust we have reposed in you.

They reposed confidence in St. Clair, and they had always known him.

Here, while he reposed, he also sought information as to the position of his enemy.

As he reposed upon his couch, melancholy and exhausted, Schirene was announced.