Reprehensions [noun]

Definition of Reprehensions:


Opposite/Antonyms of Reprehensions:

Sentence/Example of Reprehensions:

She now opened all those floodgates of reprehension, which had been shut so long.

You look at me as if you thought this reprehension were undeserved!

Their presumption is so notorious, that, either by disgust or alarm, it keeps off reprehension.

I say then, that reprehension and reprimand can scarcely ever be necessary.

An act like this cannot be committed and nobody be deserving of reprehension.

It behoveth therefore such a one to be free from all cause of reprehension.

The day had not yet arrived when the great were to endure the freedom of reprehension.

He to whom my reprehension does not apply, will not receive it.

To be at task, therefore, is to be liable to reprehension and correction.

But it may be questioned whether Swanston really merited this reprehension.