Repulsions [noun]

Definition of Repulsions:

hatred, disgust

Synonyms of Repulsions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Repulsions:

Sentence/Example of Repulsions:

The gravity-plates for repulsion were those in the helmet; for attraction, those in the boot-soles.

A sort of repulsion and attraction separated and kept them together at the same time.

If the good is there, so is the evil; if the affinity, so the repulsion; if the force, so the limitation.

"His people, though," thought Roma, and so she conquered her repulsion.

"No, thank you," she replied, and she was surprised at herself that she experienced no repulsion.

I lifted us gently, bow first, with a repulsion of the bow plates.

From that time the repulsion which I had felt for Lawrence disappeared.

With a shiver of repulsion, she snatched it off and tossed it into the lap of her companion.

Paul did as she requested, but he crawled with repulsion beneath her hand.

And repulsion, or the attempt of everything to exclude or disregard the unassimilable.