Reputedly [adverb]
Definition of Reputedly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reputedly:
Sentence/Example of Reputedly:
Beyond all this, I command myriads of spirits, invisible, and reputedly omnipotent.
The bush (reputedly the abode of ghosts) was, save at one point, impenetrable.
Hence, nearly all the saviors were reputedly born of virgins.
Then he took him by an indirect route to what was, reputedly, a tavern of consequence.
Forthwith he gave information of it to the authorities; reputedly in order to prevent his son from getting into mischief.
It was erected by the State of Virginia in 1940, reputedly on the spot where he received his famous nickname.
He was reputedly born on the twenty-fifth day of December, and crucified on a tree.
It was communicated to her that members of the Union as rich as she reputedly was were expected to own cars for the general good.
The black figure in the midst of the two white ones was that of his son Siegfried, reputedly so fond of Debussy.
He was a hunchback, but a gay little man nevertheless; reputedly a genius in the art of shooting rapids.