Requests [noun]

Definition of Requests:

question or petition

Synonyms of Requests:

Opposite/Antonyms of Requests:

Sentence/Example of Requests:

Very little likelihood this shews of their answering your requests.

In making these requests he was not simply seeking flattery.

You have not made smaller your requests—no, you are now demanding more!

In fact he declines to do it, and requests that you will send the pony home this afternoon.'

Your requests, reasonable and unreasonable, have been granted.

He felt, however, that he could not do it, and refused all requests.

Judging from their requests from us, their most pressing wants were tobacco and whisky.

These two books were written in response to requests for information on the subjects.

"I will not be tormented with these requests, Parkes," said he, peremptorily.

King Suddhodana requests you to double your guard to-night, for he has reasons.