Reservedly [adverb]
Definition of Reservedly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reservedly:
Sentence/Example of Reservedly:
“It was thrown into the class-room this morning, sir,” said Hamilton, reservedly.
"I might offer my services in that capacity myself," observed Owen, reservedly.
Unlike poor Chatterton, Crabbe had a firm trust in Providence, and was neither so passionate nor so reservedly haughty.
I had never broached any subject to her that required to be spoken of reservedly or discreetly.
"George Hale is my name," returned the gentleman, reservedly, and disengaging his fingers from the strong grip of the tall man.
They greeted Honora reservedly and—she could not help feeling—a little suspiciously.
Books must be read as deliberately and reservedly as they were written.