Resinous [adjective]

Definition of Resinous:


Synonyms of Resinous:

Opposite/Antonyms of Resinous:

Sentence/Example of Resinous:

The still summer air was heavy with the resinous smell of the great forest.

The salts and more active spirits of tar are got by infusion in cold water; but the resinous part is not to be dissolved thereby.

And he realized what a blessing the deluge of rain was in that world of resinous timber.

Viscid: sticky: covered with a shiny, resinous or greasy matter.

Their base is Copal, a fossil, resinous substance of vegetable origin.

The heated air was filled and stifling with resinous exhalations.

And Godfrey went to look for a resinous piece of wood that might do for a torch.

The skin is full of a resinous sap, and the fruit is of little value.

The air was filled with the odour of them, dry and resinous as that of the fir forest.

The branch I held in my hand was of a resinous nature, and burned brightly.