Respiratory [adjective]

Definition of Respiratory:


Synonyms of Respiratory:

Opposite/Antonyms of Respiratory:

Sentence/Example of Respiratory:

I must return to this subject in connection with the respiratory function.

He then, with a stethoscope, ausculated the lungs, or listened to the respiratory sounds.

It had respiratory organs—that was evident by its breathing.

It was a long time before my respiratory organs could be brought into play.

These are the openings into the tracheal or respiratory system.

There they were mostly of the digestive organs; here of the respiratory.

No palpitation or respiratory movement can be detected in it.

(b) The use of the anterior portion of the gut for respiratory purposes.

This is owing to the smallness of their bodies and the feebleness of their respiratory organs.

There is a class of Pneumatics, acting on the respiratory organs.