Respondent [noun]
Definition of Respondent:
Opposite/Antonyms of Respondent:
Sentence/Example of Respondent:
The petitioner's name was Peter Quilliam; the respondent——, the co respondent——.
Respondent's visage questionable, however,—too dirty, and too happy.
Janet was the respondent, of course, Margaret listening in silence.
We find that the respondent has not been guilty of misconduct with Aristide Dumeny.
We find that the respondent has not been guilty of misconduct with Hadi Bey.
That the term defendant is, when alone, synonymous with respondent.
In that case, the respondent ought to answer Yes or No directly.
It supposes, in place of teacher and learner, an interrogator (or opponent) and a respondent.
This will strengthen your power both as questioner and as respondent.
You as questioner have to deal with a thesis set up by the respondent.