Restivenesses [noun]
Definition of Restivenesses:
Synonyms of Restivenesses:
● Ailment
● Unrest
● Disquiet
● Ferment
● Movement
● Turmoil
● Insomnia
● Unease
● Bustle
● Hurry
● Anxiety
● Jitters
● Activity
● Ants
● Edginess
Opposite/Antonyms of Restivenesses:
Sentence/Example of Restivenesses:
Her restiveness is absolutely alluring, and excites all my hunting instinct.
He paused, then added, "I think it's just as well to walk off my restiveness if I can."
Its ancestors in the sixteenth were notorious for their restiveness.
In other parts of the city, however, signs of restiveness were visible.
Lady Cantire (perceiving that the Bishop is showing signs of restiveness).
This restiveness and impracticability are principally incident to us in the period of youth.
By the restiveness of woman under the tutelage of man may he measure his own short-comings.
It was, however, of another phase of the matter that his present restiveness was born.
The pallor had vanished from his cheeks and the restiveness from his eyes.
These things explain the restiveness of the country, including central as well as southern provinces, under Peking domination.