Retable [noun]
Definition of Retable:
church table, pedestal
Opposite/Antonyms of Retable:
Sentence/Example of Retable:
Above the retable is the Madonna with two saints on either side: the crucifix surmounts the whole composition.
The retable has two miracle reliefs, and between them a small bronze Christ, which has been put there in error.
The candlesticks, in churches where lights at the Holy Communion are used, stand at the ends of the retable.
In the ancient Abbey Church are two masterpieces, a retable in carved wood and a tomb ornamented with exquisite statuettes.
Another exquisite example of wood carving may be seen in the chapel of Notre-Dame de Compassion, forming the retable.
On the retable at the foot of the reredos, stand two massive candlesticks of silver gilt.