Retched [verb]

Definition of Retched:


Synonyms of Retched:

Opposite/Antonyms of Retched:


Sentence/Example of Retched:

But a spasm of disgust at the uncleanness of the task to be done made me retch and pause.

He retch he han' in, he did, en git some en put it in he mouf.

So I retch me a fine bunch of hick'ries I done prepared for dat 'casion.

Cramps assailed him and he clamped his jaws against the desire to retch.

The woman, Mercedes Valdar, seemed to catch some of Retch's excitement.

In the front of the raft, Retch sat with his back to Parker.

From the door of the sinking helicopter Retch was staring at the raft.

What difference did it make what Retch was, or the nature of his business here?

"The pilot of the flying ship that was wrecked," Retch answered.

When Retch had finished and had turned back to him, Parker spoke.