Reticules [noun]
Definition of Reticules:
system of connections
Synonyms of Reticules:
● Web
● Chain
● System
● Grid
● Net
● Nexus
● Plexus
● Wattle
● Fabric
● Complex
● Maze
● Fiber
● Mesh
● Artery
● Weave
● Grill
● Hookup
● Jungle
● Netting
● Wiring
Sentence/Example of Reticules:
She had been hunting through her reticule and now put down the money in gold.
On the landing she drew out of her reticule a heavy iron key.
(Takes locket from reticule) This little locket is what brought me to America.
She opened her reticule and showed a pretty ivory-handled pistol.
Mrs. Wagge unexpectedly took a handkerchief from her reticule.
She was rummaging in a reticule and in her pocket, etc. "Oh, Mr. Jeff!"
She took a check-book and pen and ink from her reticule, and filled up a check.
She still did not take out what she was holding in her reticule.
Having found what she was looking for in the reticule she handed it to Natasha.
Then I played cards with her and picked up her reticule and drove out with her.