Retractations [noun]
Definition of Retractations:
Opposite/Antonyms of Retractations:
Sentence/Example of Retractations:
The words, in which I made my Retractation, have given rise to much criticism.
Was it to startle her suddenly into a retractation—to take an advantage of her by dread?
What should I do with children who, in consequence of my retractation, must forfeit all I might leave them?
He could not have anticipated Cobham's retractation of his retractation.
They saw that Luther persisted in his refusal of retractation.
Then he declared to himself that there was no longer any possibility of retractation for him.
At present he felt that it would be impossible to delay his retractation any longer.
Perhaps, after all, retractation would have been worse than vain.
Let me say quite plainly, however, that the second one is no retractation of the first.
The words, in which I made my retractation, have given rise to much criticism.