Retreats [noun]
Definition of Retreats:
Sentence/Example of Retreats:
The use of simple "exercises" in these retreats has been found to be very helpful.
We ourselves do not "prepare" for the retreats and do not ask the couples to do so either.
There is a sequence of events that is typical of most retreats.
Here are a few books which have been found useful by leaders of retreats.
Who had heard the twanging of Karkapaha's bow in the retreats of the bear?
Now they can venture abroad from their retreats without fear.
The earth rounds this portion of the curve and retreats from the sun.
The last time I saw him was when Villa stopped over with us on one of his retreats.
She retreats, covering her eyes; then approaches and bends over the body.
Not when you consider,” said Antonia, “that retreats follow repulses.