Retrenching [verb]
Definition of Retrenching:
Opposite/Antonyms of Retrenching:
Sentence/Example of Retrenching:
My distress was useless, my wishes to retrench our expenses ineffectual.
But there was only one way open to me at present—and that was to retrench my expenses.
If he can retrench in pains without lessening his gains, be assured that he will do it.
But if you give him rope enough he will retrench you out of business.
They were in reduced circumstances: they had come down to Hadleigh to retrench.
Pavilliard and I contrive to retrench out of my other expenses.
The tendency of communities is to retrench on food, rather than on commodities or embellishments which they ought to go without.
But it is all theory; for when I came to the practical part I could retrench nothing.
Dr. Tremayne decided to retrench and to keep only one man-servant.
Second, retrench all eating not necessary to health and comfort.