Retro [adjective]
Definition of Retro:
from yesteryear
Sentence/Example of Retro:
I have not come to make any base propositions to you—retro, Satanas!
I quickly left the spot and returned to my hotel, determined to say, "Retro me, Sathanas!"
As he fell to the floor, he was grateful it was that and not a retro gun.
If millions are offered me, I wave them back: Retro, Sathanas!
I went home with a satisfied conscience, murmuring, Per la impacciata via, retro al suo duce.
He turned the retro gun over slowly; it was just a gun; there were countless others like it.
And while Luise hadn't concealed that she was a retro and so had given herself away, he wasn't going to make that mistake.
The women of the Balkan – buried under provocative mask-like make up, retro hairstyles and too narrow dresses.
The women of the Balkan - buried under provocative mask-like make up, retro hairstyles and too narrow dresses.
Scio me retro ad inspiciendam altitudinem mulieris frequentius organi mentionem fecisse quod Graecitas dioptran vocat.