Retrocessions [noun]

Definition of Retrocessions:

regression; decline

Synonyms of Retrocessions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Retrocessions:

Sentence/Example of Retrocessions:

Lyell estimates the retrocession of the falls to be about a foot a year.

President Jefferson called the attention of Congress to this retrocession.

Bonaparte had secured from Spain the retrocession of the province of Louisiana.

The retrocession of the Liaotung Peninsula had not been effected by Russia alone.

It does not restore to the Uitlanders all the rights of which they have been unjustly deprived since the retrocession.

The account was made up, the balance was struck, and the retrocession of Louisbourg was the price of peace.

The reason why retrocession of the Falls is possible is found in the occurrence of the shale noted above as underlying the rock.

We are now prepared to consider these sections with reference to the retrocession of the fall of water.

No; the people of the trans-Alleghany country could not remain silent and unprotesting witnesses to the retrocession of Louisiana.

Mr. S. concluded by declaring that the act of retrocession would have no effect upon his mind as to staying here.